The 3rd International Digital Distributors’ Meeting, was held at the Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez headquarters as part of the Readmagine activities and the following topics were discussed:
A special presentation of the “Global eBook Report” by Ruediger Wischenbart, director of this annual report, which measures the trends and evolution of the international electronic book markets. Cyril Labordrie from the newly created EDRLab, IDPFs and Readium’s Headquarters in Europe, concentrated on EPUB Formats and DRM Use in his presentation. The title of the third presentation was Books Discoverability: The Digital Content Explore service made Mr. Eric Briys (Cyberlibris)
Every year a guest sector is invited, this year the focus was video games. Jaime Giné, an international expert in the field of digital video games distribution, enlightened us on this sector’s situation and evolution and its comparison points with the publishing sphere. Connection between video games and Digital Publishing will become more and more important thanks to EPUB3 and interactivity capabilities.
On the second day there was several round tables, with speakers like Javier Celaya (Bookwire), Laura Nevanlinna (CEO of Kaiken Publishing – Finland), Jukka Planman (Founder and CEO of Tunnel Ground – Finland), Ivan Marchand (Merchandising Manager of Google – United Kingdom), Quim Garreta (Founder of Cubus Games – Spain), Viviana Zocco (Founder and CEO of Bajalibros – Argentina), Gerardo Jaramillo (Managing Director of Educal – Mexico).
Digital distributors are very interested in the LCP DRM created by IDPF/Readium/EDRLab. Companies outside Europe are waiting for LCP DRM Release. Connection have been created with companies like: Neorgia, Ensfero, Cyber Libris, Overdrive, Libranda.
Again we thank Jose Manuel Anta, for this invitation. IPDA and EDRLab will work together very closely.