Thorium Reader is the free desktop EPUB reader published by EDRLab. It can be installed on Windows, MacOS and Linux and it is the perfect all-in-one reading application for casual or heavy readers, library patrons and students. And its codebase is open-source.
This new version includes new features, improvements and bug fixes, notably the following user-oriented features:
- Suppression of the internal http server
- Zoom of fixed layout EPUB 3
- Evolutions on the Divina player.
- and many other fixes
Windows users won’t see a Window Defender message anymore the first time they use the app. A message about the app calling an http server. And for a good reason: there is no more http server in the app. This is key for a distribution of Thorium in large organisations.
Users can now zoom on Fixed Layout EPUBs: the UI isn’t perfect, but this is a great first step.
The Divina Player shows new features, like layers and sounds. The Divina format is still in incubation at EDRLab, but we continue studying this great idea of a standard format for digital visual narratives that goes beyond what EPUB 3 FXL can offer.
You’ll find detailed release notes and download packages here. If you are using Windows 10, you can download Thorium Reader from the Windows Store and benefit from automatic updates.
EDRLab is looking for sponsors for the development of Thorium Reader; you can easily help via Github Sponsors or by becoming an EDRLab member. Let’s make this application the best desktop reading app ever.