Bande dessinée • Comics • Manga • Graphic novel • Webtoons • Turbomedia • Motion comics • Parallax strip...
The EDRLab AGM was held on June 13, 2017. Pierre Danet, President of the association, passed away a few...
Most of you know Readium, a fully functional engine which can be used to develop EPUB 3 Reading Systems....
This two-days meeting was hosted by Adobe Systems in a high building sitting in front of the Time Square...
W3C opened today registration for its first ever W3C Publishing Summit to be held 9-10 November 2017 in San...
It’s now well established that people facing dyslexia can derive many benefits from digital text reading. The ability to...
From a recent press release: Blackwell’s, a specialist academic bookseller in the UK, has joined The Readium Foundation to...
Les membres et collaborateurs d’EDRLab ont appris avec la plus grande tristesse le décès de Pierre Danet. Pierre...
The French Conseil Supérieur de la propriété littéraire et artistique (CSPLA) has released its report resulting from a “Mission...
0.26 The Readium development community is pleased to announce the release of 0.26. This release was pushed 3 May...