The AAATE mission is to foster the role of Αssistive Τechnology (ΑΤ) and inclusive design to create a world where all...
Archive for category: Accessibility
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IFLA is the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Every year, a number of IFLA Professional Units (Sections,...
Our colleagues from the Fondazione LIA are organizing the 2023 edition of Accessibility Camp, a highly interactive one-day event...
Include!, a Nordic conference on Inclusive Publishing; we’ll be there!
Laurent Le Meur, , Accessibility, News, 0Our colleagues in the Nordic region invite you to register for Include! the Nordic conference on Inclusive Publishing this...
On the occasion of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Ministry of Culture is...
Watch the video presenting our crowfunding effort, relative to the free access to tons of audiobooks via smart speakers,...
The launch of an Accessibility Interest Group has been approved by the board of EDRLab. It will be chaired...
Depuis septembre 2017, grâce au soutien actif du Ministère de la Culture, EDRLab a poursuivi ses travaux dans le...
The DAISY Consortium is delighted to announce the launch of Ace by DAISY, the ground-breaking free and open source...
Journée professionnelle sur l’accès au livre : trouvons des solutions ensemble
Laurent Le Meur, , Accessibility, News, 0Dans la veine des actions menées par EDRLab autour de l’accessibilité des publications numériques, BrailleNet, l’Arald et l’Enssib s’associent...