Lis-a, the universal reading application for iOS developed by Art Book Magazine, is the first Readium LCP compliant application...
We are happy to announce that Cantook Hub, the distribution platform for digital books from DeMarque, is now compliant...
The DAISY Consortium is delighted to announce the launch of Ace by DAISY, the ground-breaking free and open source...
The Readium development community is pleased to announce the release of 0.29. This release was pushed to master and...
Journée professionnelle sur l’accès au livre : trouvons des solutions ensemble
Laurent Le Meur, , Accessibility, News, 0Dans la veine des actions menées par EDRLab autour de l’accessibilité des publications numériques, BrailleNet, l’Arald et l’Enssib s’associent...
Depuis novembre 2016, grâce au soutien actif du Ministère de la Culture et de la Fondation des Aveugles de...
The development of the Readium-2 framework is moving quite fast: The iOS SDK – written in Swift 3 –...
Written by Jiminy Panoz We have made good progress since our call to participation. First and foremost, we have a...
This two-days meeting was hosted by Adobe Systems in a high building sitting in front of the Time Square...
The website has just been refreshed, with a responsive design and a clean and modern skin. Here you’ll...