Day 1 – Thursday 9th March
10h – 10h30
Welcome coffee
IDPF, Readium, what’s next?
10h30 – 10h45
Welcome and introduction
Sophie Vandepontseele, KBR (be)
Alban Cerisier, Madrigall (fr)
10h50 – 11h10
EPUB is Here to Stay. In Fact, It’s Everywhere
Bill Kasdorf, Apex CoVantage (us)
11h15 – 12h
About the W3C – IDPF combination
Liisa McCloy-Kelley, Penguin Random House (us)
Ivan Herman, W3C
12h05- 12h25
Readium, the EPUB / PWP companion
Laurent Le Meur, EDRLab
Hadrien Gardeur, Feedbooks (fr)
12h30 – 13h50
14h00- 14h20
Using EPUB for legal deposit and long-term preservation
Sophie Vandepontseele, KBR (be)
14h25 – 14h55
The adoption of Readium LCP by digital libraries
Alexandre Lemaire, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (be)
Laurent Le Meur, EDRLab
15h – 15h30
Knowing what we want is the first step to innovation
Clément Laberge, Remolino (ca)
15h35 -15h55
Break , Coffee
16h – 16h45
Native accessibility: use cases and practice
Avneesh Singh, DAISY (ind)
Luc Audrain, Hachette Livre (fr)
Laurette Uzan, Association Valentin Haüy (fr)
moderated by Fernando Pinto Da Silva, EDRLab
18h30 – 20h30
EPUB Summit Cocktail
Day 2 – Friday 10th March
9h – 9h30
Welcome, coffee
What is the future of EPUB in Europe?
9h30 – 10h15
Publishing industry innovations in Europe
Nathan Hull, Bookchoice (nl)
Jens Klingelhöfer, Bookwire (de)
Nicola Cavalli, MLOL (it)
David Dupré, TEA (fr)
10h20 – 11h
Political actions for ebook in Europe
Paolo Cesarini, head of Media Convergence and Social Media, DG CONNECT, EU Commission
Anne Bergman, Federation of European Publishers
Françoise Dubruille, eibf
moderated by Alban Cerisier, Madrigall
11h05 – 11h25
Break, coffee
11h30 – 11h55
EPUB is also corporate – Part 1
Harolds Celms, Publications Office of the European Union
Patricia Ruggiu, Publications Office of the European Union
12h – 12h25
EPUB is also corporate – Part 2
Toby Green, OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
12h30 – 14H
15h – 15h10
EPUB – perspectives from 7 years in the field (Vital Source : Silver Sponsor)
Rick Johnson, VitalSource Technologies, Inc a division of the Ingram Content Group (us)
15h15 – 16h40
You will choose between two parallel sessions:
Readium LCP demonstration
Stéphane Michalon, ePagine (fr)
David Dupré, TEA (fr)
Véronique Backert, Dilicom (fr)
Taehyun Kim, DRMInside (ko)
moderated by Laurent Le Meur, EDRLab
Accessibility Services and Tools
Cristina Mussinelli, Fondazione LIA (it)
Per Sennels, Norvegian Library of Talking books (no)
Jean Laurens, Insidevision (fr)
Alex Bernier, BrailleNet (fr)
Nathalie Danjou & Michèle Dubois, Ligue Braille (be)
moderated by Fernando Pinto da Silva, EDRLab
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