Readium LCP

LCP Pricing

In this section, we’ll detail the Readium LCP pricing model.

Our pricing is structured into tiers based on a company’s revenue and divided into nine classes. The following table outlines the applicable fee:

LCP Certification

This pricing model will be applied to new LCP integrations from March 2025. It will be applied to existing customers from January 2026.

All prices are in €, before VAT.

Class Server Mobile app
(per platform)
Hardware Thorium Desktop
(per fork)
A – 0-300K€ 1,200 300 500 1,500
B – 300K to <1M€ 1,800 600 750 2,000
C – 1 to 5M€ 3,000 900 1,000 3,000
D – 5 to 10M€ 6,000 1,200 2,000 4,000
E – 10 to 15M€ 12,000 1,800 4,000 6,000
F – 15 to 20M€ 18,000 3,600 6,000 8,000
G – 20 to 30M€ 36,000 4,800 8,000 10,000
H – 30 to 100M€ 60,000 9,000 10,000 20,000
I – > 100M€

Key Points

  • Revenue-based pricing: The fee structure is determined by the client organisation’s gross revenue from digital products. There is no additional transactional cost (cost per license).
  • Annual fee structure: All listed fees are charged annually at the date of signature of the contract and exclusive to taxes.
  • Large-scale deployments: Class I pricing is negotiated based on specific situations.
  • Predictable updates: Prices are reviewed every two years, with changes announced six months before they are applied, in January of the following year.

Additional Applications

This applies to extra applications, built and deployed by the same organisation after the first one has been fully certified:

  • Mobile applications: 20% of the base fee per additional application or a Class A fee, whichever is higher.
  • Thorium fork or customization: 50% of the base fee per additional fork/customization.
  • Hardware: No additional charges per extra device.

Discount for Low-income Countries

We are committed to accessibility and affordability for companies in low-income countries. Members in Class A and B belonging to countries listed in our official list of low-income countries receive a 50% rebate on the total certification cost.

What’s next

To know more about the companies that have already adopted Readium LCP

Some Readium LCP adopters

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